Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, August 08, 2009

MacRitchie Reservoir on the eve of National Day

We were @ MacRitchie today..Look at the scenic environment! We really had a great time there, walking and running around, as well as "singing" at the top of our voices. Daddy was extremely satisfied with the place after it's been revamped. Besides, the best part about is place is that parking is totally FOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We picked up names of 2 types of dog breeds today, namely golden retriever and siberian husky and we saw fish in the reservoir.
We loved the stairs and had great fun with daddy swinging us in the air.
The whole outing ended at 7 pm and we headed straight for dessert(that's a new word we learnt today). Mommy delegated the maid to cook beef bolognaise for us and it was yummilicious. Hence, we merely had cheese cake and apple pie at Miss Clarity Cafe(run by a christian). After having had our dessert, we went straight home and hit the sack.