My "baby" and I have been really proud parents of the pair of miracle boys-yes, that's what I'm going to name them, indeed miracle babes given by the LORD. We just brought Joseph back home on Sunday(it's definitely a milestone attained for my "bb" and I coz we have always been thinking of bringing them back on a weekday but kept proscrastinating it - the thought of having to wake up for night feeds and the repercussions of insufficient sleep kinda repelled us from going ahead with such plans.
However, we did it and we made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We brought back Joseph for the first time on a Sunday night when we know that Monday is a working day. Guess what, our darling son slept throughout the night for 6 and 1/2 hrs....that's a "breakthrough" for us in fact....:-) and we are going to continue doing that from now on.
Let's take a look at the milestones the boys have attained by now.
1) smile and coo - very early stage, shortly after confinement
2) Holding the rattle - 2 months
3) Raise Neck when on tummy - 2 months
4) Rolling over - 3-4 months
5) Eating solids - 4 months
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Elated parents
Posted by
Isaac and Joseph Gan
6:04 PM