It has been a worrying 2 weeks for my dear mummy after she was suspected of having diabetes by the doctor. It all started from an itchy spot a few centimetres above her ankle which caused her to feel really uncomfortable. There was so much of discomfort that she started to scratch it all the time, till the skin fell off and what was left was an unsightly looking crimson-red open wound. Her friends, after seeing the wound, warned her that it could be one of the symptoms of diabetes. That got her really troubled and with much nagging from all of us to consult the doctor, she finally made her way, reluctantly there. The doctor did a glucose test on her and asked her to return to the clinic for the final results that would determine her state of health. During this period of waiting, I couldn't deny that I was bogged down by the whole issue of her getting a negative result. I think the world is simply programmed to think negatively and this includes the believers as well. Thank GOD for HE is always mercy. JESUS reminded me that HE's taken all our infirmities, and given us perfect health when HE hanged on the CROSS 2000 years ago and this includes the flawless physical body HE's given to my mum. I claimed all that in JESUS' NAME and at the same time, I prayed with Desmond and confessed HIS healing power over my mum. Besides, I also gathered all my prayer warriors, Vivian, Alan and Pauline(who set aside their busy schedule to pray for courage and wisdom over me to minister to my mum). Yesterday, on the 16th Nov 2006, I received an sms from my sis that my mum's glucose level is perfectly normal. I thank JESUS for HIS divine health that HE's given to my mum. My mum shall stand up healthy, as sturdy as she has been, 40 years ago and prepare herself to enjoy quality time with Isaac and Zoe. Amen! The twins shall be so proud of their granny that they'll start showing her off to their friends......:-)...Thank you LORD for all that YOU have done in my life.....
Monday, November 13, 2006
Life during pregnancy
Both my 'baby' and I were really thankful to the LORD for HIS provision. I started sourcing around for gynaes but was not sure which one to go to. Eventually, I got help from a colleague of mine who just had a baby boy last year. She recommended her gynae, Adrian Woodworth to me. I remembered way before i knew that I was pregnant, Desmond and I did pray for a pair of twins, a boy and a girl and before our first visit to the gynae, both of us claimed GOD's promises on my pregnancy, that HE would bless us with twins according to our heart's desire. To be frank, both Des and I were pretty unsure whether GOD would answer this prayer or not coz we knew both of us did not have any history of twins in our respective family line. GOD is really amazing. :-) . After the ultrasound scan, Dr Adrian Woodworth confirmed that we are having twins. Right after the confirmation, my 'baby' couldn't control himself anymore and shouted, " Praise the LORD" in front of the doctor. Yes, the babies are really GOD's gifts. If not for GOD, I wouldn't even conceive. Thank you LORD. GOD is faithful. He heard both of prayers and answered us according to our heart's desire. Amen!
I am already 16 weeks today and I believe strongly that the LORD is blessing us with a pair of boy and girl. :-) coz HE's always faithful....:-)
Posted by
Isaac and Joseph Gan
11:12 PM
Continued from 6th November 2006
==> continued from 6th Nov 2006
I started calling up my christian sister, Vivien, who never fails to encourage me and shared with her about how uncomfortable I felt. She prayed over my abdomen and commanded my emotions to be subjected to the HOLY SPIRIT. After which, I felt so much more charged up. Thank GOD for that.
A week had passed and there was no sign of menses. I started feeling a little suspicious and was very tempted to purchase a kit from the pharmacy. However, the thought of facing another failure stopped me from trying anything altogether. Days passed by and I started to experience migraine on my left temper. As such, I made the final decision to see the doctor who prepared a mere panadol prescription for me. I took a day's rest and two days later, I started to be repulsive towards eggs and oranges. At that moment, I just felt that my liking toward certain types of food had changed totally, and deep in my heart, I was hoping that those symptoms could in one way or another relate to pregnancy. Eventually, I made up my mind to get one kit from the pharmacy. However, to my dismay, I could not locate a single pregnancy kit from the pharmacy. I combed the place store-wide, for a total of 3 rounds and there was no sign of any kits on display. In the end, I headed straight to the clinic. The process seemed slower than usual, from taking the urine sample to the testing. The doctor asked me to wait for my name to be called first while he carried out the pregnancy test. The 15 minute wait looked to me like a full day wait and as every second ticked by, I started to get more and more nervous. Deep within me, I was preparing my heart for any negative result from the test. " Noelle Chua Mei Ping!", the nurse directed me to the correct room. As I entered, the bespectacled doctor mumbled something, which I could hardly hear and I asked him to repeat again. He told me the result was positive. Meanwhile, my feet started to ooze out cold sweat and my heart was throbbing so hard that any surrounding noise was totally muffled. I started to message my 'baby' about the good news and broke the good news to my sis as well as Vivien, my close sister in CHRIST
Posted by
Isaac and Joseph Gan
7:50 PM
My 'baby' has chosen Zhi'en for the boy and Yan'en for the girl....good choice indeed......
Posted by
Isaac and Joseph Gan
12:25 AM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
Granny and Mummy of Isaac and Zoe Gan
Sitting beside me is my mum. :-) In my eyes, my mum is the most attractive woman and the only one I truly love in this world and like a guardian angel, she has been loving and taking care of me for her entire life, unconditionally and affectionately. I thank GOD for her..smucks...In 5 months' time, my mum's status is going to get promoted to a higher level- she's going to be a granny of 2 grandchildren. GOD has fulfilled her long-waited desire to look after her very own grandchildren and I'm very certain, just like how she has brought me up, she will be a very good role model to them. As for my "baby"(Desmond, husband) and I, we look forward being parents of our pair of twins.

Father and Mother of Isaac and Zoe Gan

Posted by
Isaac and Joseph Gan
4:43 PM
Isaac and Zoe Gan
The following are the chinese names we've chosen for our twins.
Wei ' en
Si' en
Posted by
Isaac and Joseph Gan
7:47 AM